Into the Wild - My Houston Excursion
Phillip Barnhard
In case you missed me, I was down in Houston recently. I did a quick overnighter for a video shoot at one of our client's Houston office. On this trip, I decided to drive rather than fly. The last time I flew to H-town with video equipment, I got to hear my name paged over the airport's PA system while I sprinted through the terminal carrying 70 pounds of camera equipment. After I missed my flight, I buried myself in the tallest beer at the Chili's Too. It was as beaten as I've ever been. On this trip, I sailed down in a rented Chevy Malibu — the yacht of Interstate 45.
When I arrived, the weather was a putrid 102 degrees, so obviously I chose to wear black to the shoot. Luckily it was mostly indoors, but when it wasn't, I paid dearly for that decision. Overall, the shoot went really well. One of the marketing guys was kind enough to snap a few shots of me filming. I love behind-the-scenes looks but rarely remember to ask someone to snap a few pics. Here are a few moments from the all-day event: